اشترك في قائمتنا البريدية
احصل علي آخر العروض والتحديثات علي بريدك
Omega 3 & 6 balance is provided by using natural miracle flaxseed. |
Yucca plant in its content provides odor and ammonia control, increases the absorption of nutrients; strengthens the immune system and improves the growth and performance of animals. |
Intestinal health and performance are supported with pathogen-binding mannan oligosaccharide, immune-supporting beta-glucans and CitriStim, a rich source of immune-friendly yeast. |
Beer yeast is used in its content for healthy skin and shiny hair. |
The immune system is strengthened by using whey powder; muscles, organs and nerve cells are supported. |
It is enriched with vitamins and minerals يتم توفير توازن أوميغا 3 و6 باستخدام بذور الكتان المعجزة الطبيعية. |
احصل علي آخر العروض والتحديثات علي بريدك
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