Catnip Ball100% natural and eco-friendly catnip.【Unique Design】Catnip cat toy for indoor cats are made with 100% natural materials. Safe and non-toxic for cats. Catnip balls help improve cats vitality and appetite, relief from boredom and depression. Catnip not only makes kittens happy but helps to...
- 1.990 JD
4.000 JD- 1.990 JD
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plastic pet carrierPlastic Pet Carrier A plastic pet carrier is perfect for transporting your furry friend safely and comfortably. Crafted from durable, high-quality plastic, it features ventilation holes for optimal airflow, ensuring your pet remains calm and comfortable during travel. The carrier is lightweight, making it...
- 7.000 JD
10.000 JD- 7.000 JD
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SPECTRUM KITTEN 38 FOOD FOR KITTENS 2kgSPECTRUM Kitten38, is an especially formulated complete and balanced ultra-premium food to meet the nutritional requirements of kittens aged from 2 to 12 months. HEALTHY GROWTH SPECTRUM Kitten38 ensures healthy growth of your kitten with its highly digestible protein and fiber content. ...
- 12.000 JD
15.000 JD- 12.000 JD
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Meow Mix Original Choice 12kgDelicious and Nutritious Packed with wholesome grains proteins and other high quality ingredients for High Digestibility so more nutrients لذيذ ومغذي معبأ ببروتينات الحبوب الصحية وغيرها من المكونات عالية الجودة لسهولة الهضم وبالتالي المزيد من العناصر الغذائية
- 37.990 JD
40.000 JD- 37.990 JD
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SPECTRUM ADULT CAT FOOD WITH CHICKEN 2KGFormulated to meet all nutritional requirements of all adult cats over 12 months of age. Organ Health Protection 11 different herbal extracts with natural antioxidant properties play an important role in protecting your cat's organ health against different stressors and supporting the immune system....
- 14.000 JD
15.000 JD- 14.000 JD
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SPECTRUM FUSSY 34 ADULT CAT FOOD 2kgSPECTRUM Fussy34 is a complete and balanced ultra-premium cat food specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of adult cats with irregular appetites. APPETIZING FLAVOR SPECTRUM Fussy34 offers a taste that even your unappetizing cat, who is not willing to consume food regularly,...
- 12.000 JD
15.000 JD- 12.000 JD
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SPECTRUM ADULT CAT FOOD WITH SALMON 2kgFormulated to meet all nutritional requirements of all adult cats over 12 months of age. Organ Health Protection 11 different herbal extracts with natural antioxidant properties play an important role in protecting your cat's organ health against different stressors and supporting the immune system....
- 14.000 JD
15.000 JD- 14.000 JD
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Creamy Treat 15gx60 Chicken Egg YolkCreamy Treat 15gx60 Chicken Egg Yolk
- 10.000 JD
15.000 JD- 10.000 JD
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خداشة للقطط بشكل دعسوقة - Orangeتعد شجرة خداشة مكاناً مثالياً لقطتك للتسلية والانشغال بنشاطاتها أثناء غيابك عن المنزل يمكن أن تمنعها من الشعور بالملل والضجر قد يقلل من احتمالية القيام بسلوكيات غير مرغوب فيها أو تخريب الممتلكات توفير بيئة محفزة وآمنة للقطة، يمكن أن تسهم الشجرة في تحسين صحتها...
- 11.990 JD
18.000 JD- 11.990 JD
- سعر القطعة
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